VETDIGITAL – Vet clinic marketing made easy

6 things vet clinics can do right now to improve social media content

Posting regular and engaging social media content is proven to translate to more patients through your door – and all without a hard sell.

Here are 6 ways you can improve your vet clinic’s social media content.

1. Post Regularly

First and foremost, if you don’t post regularly, you are going to fall off people’s radar and out of their social media feeds. Create a schedule that you know will work for you – be that every day or twice a week – and stick to it. Content doesn’t always have to be long, it can be photos, a quick video, or pet care tips.

2. Share bite-sized pieces of information

As a vet, you have endless amounts of valuable information to share – and social media provides a great avenue for sharing. Choose a different topic every week and share bite-sized pieces of information that would be interesting for your audience. You could create seasonal posts (e.g., what not to feed your pet at Easter), hacks on getting pets to swallow tablets, or how to remove ticks from your dog’s fur. 

3. Include photos of your patients

Every pet owner thinks their dog or cat is the most adorable-looking animal there could ever be. A great way to engage with your clients is to share cute photos of their pets when they’re in for an appointment.

Photos of your patients are great for your vet clinic social media

This could be a quick snap of each pet while your vet nurse is weighing them, or you could have a “pet of the day/week” if you are more time-poor.

Posts like these often attract the most engagement from people in the form of likes and comments which in turn helps have your page promoted to a broader audience.

4. Interact with your clients

In addition to providing your audience with information and photos, it’s important to also include posts that create interaction with them. This could be in the form of sharing an opinion and asking what others think, asking for ideas about something (such as what to call your new pet), or sharing a favourite local café or pet-related item, and asking others for their opinions.

Such posts can help to form a bit of a vet clinic community. And as an added bonus, Facebook, and Instagram love posts with lots of comments.

5. Link to longer-form educational articles

Longer-form educational articles – often known as blogs – are a great way to provide “value” to your audience. They also have the added bonus of driving traffic to your website. Blogs can be on a wide range of topics, from pet care advice and articles on common conditions to detailed accounts of common procedures you perform at your clinic. Articles such as these can take some time to write, however, this is one task that is quite easy to outsource.

6. Incorporate video

Video has become a key focus area for Facebook and Instagram over the past year. This means that any video content you post will receive an extra boost from the enigma that is the algorithm behind social media platforms and will be pushed into more people’s feeds.

However, you do need a plan behind your videos to make sure they are relevant to your audience. “Behind the scenes” videos, informative content, and footage that shows some personality from you and your staff all rate highly.

Want to know more?

It’s pretty much guaranteed that if regularly post well-thought-out and engaging content on your social media, you will gain more clients for your vet clinic.

However, it does take time, effort, and expertise to do it well. And that’s exactly what VetDigital does. We are here to take the hard work out of digital marketing so you can concentrate on going what you do best – looking after your patients and running your vet clinic.

For a set monthly fee, we develop and implement your marketing to get a community up and running and working for you.

Give us a call on 1800 032 801 to find out more, or send us an email.

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